Anthony Cate, Ph.D.

2020- Psychology Roanoke College 
Cognitive neuroscience of vision
"Anthony Cate"
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Maria Boylan research assistant 2012-2013 Virginia Tech
James Michael Brown grad student 2013- Virginia Tech
Stephanie Roldan grad student 2012-2017 Virginia Tech (PsychTree)
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Roldan S, Obertello O, Cate A. (2017) Eye Movements during Emotional Scene Processing: Exploring the Role of Visual Perception in Intrusive Mental Imagery Journal of Vision. 17: 545
Cate A, Cooper L, Devulapalli R, et al. (2017) Visual aspects of numeracy neuroimaging: cortical surface-based meta-analysis. Journal of Vision. 17: 478-478
Roldan S, Cate A. (2016) Identifying Distinctive Features in Object Recognition Journal of Vision. 16: 415
Muralidharan P, Cate A. (2016) Perceptual Organization in Parkinson's disease: The Role of the Basal ganglia in Shape-Based Object Recognition and Emotion Perception Journal of Vision. 16: 132-132
Cate A, Roldan S. (2015) Concurrent fMRI analysis of part-whole structure and subjective object norms for items from the BOSS (Bank of Standardized Stimuli) data set. Journal of Vision. 15: 624
Zhang S, Cate AD, Herron TJ, et al. (2015) Functional and anatomical properties of human visual cortical fields. Vision Research. 109: 107-21
Kang X, Herron TJ, Cate AD, et al. (2012) Hemispherically-unified surface maps of human cerebral cortex: reliability and hemispheric asymmetries. Plos One. 7: e45582
Cate AD, Herron TJ, Kang X, et al. (2012) Intermodal attention modulates visual processing in dorsal and ventral streams. Neuroimage. 63: 1295-304
Cate A, Herron T, Kang X, et al. (2012) Cortical surface-based meta-analysis of human visuotopic regions from published stereotaxic coordinates. Journal of Vision. 12: 523-523
Woods DL, Herron TJ, Cate AD, et al. (2011) Phonological processing in human auditory cortical fields. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 5: 42
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