Richard D. McAnulty

Health Psychology University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, United States 
General Psychology, Health Education, Physiological Psychology, Public Health
"Richard McAnulty"
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Sweeney JB, McAnulty RD, Reeve C, et al. (2015) An Intervention for HPV Risk Reduction Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior: An Exploratory Study with College-Aged Women American Journal of Sexuality Education. 10: 199-217
McAnulty RD, Adams HE, Wright LW. (1994) Relationship Between MMPI and Penile Plethysmograph in Accused Child Molesters The Journal of Sex Research. 31: 179-184
McAnulty RD. (1993) Expert psychological testimony in cases of alleged child sexual abuse Archives of Sexual Behavior. 22: 311-324
McAnulty RD, Adams HE. (1992) Validity and ethics of penile circumference measures of sexual arousal: A reply to McConaghy Archives of Sexual Behavior. 21: 177-186
Mcanulty RD, Adams HE. (1991) Voluntary Control of Penile Tumescence: Effects of an Incentive and a Signal Detection Task The Journal of Sex Research. 28: 557-577
McAnulty RD, Adams HE. (1990) Patterns of sexual arousal of accused child molesters involved in custody disputes Archives of Sexual Behavior. 19: 541-556
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