Sigurdur O. Sigurdsson

Psychology University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology
"Sigurdur Sigurdsson"
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John Austin grad student 2006 Western Michigan University (PsychTree)
 (Investigating the effects of real -time visual feedback on computer workstation posture.)


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Nicholas Green grad student
Lynn Buhler grad student 2014 UMBC
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Wilder DA, Lipschultz JL, King A, et al. (2017) An Analysis of the Commonality and Type of Preintervention Assessment Procedures in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management (2000–2015) Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. 38: 5-17
Green N, Sigurdsson S, Wilder DA. (2016) Decreasing bouts of prolonged sitting among office workers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Martinez-Onstott B, Wilder D, Sigurdsson S. (2016) Identifying the Variables Contributing to At-Risk Performance: Initial Evaluation of the Performance Diagnostic Checklist–Safety (PDC-Safety) Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. 36: 80-93
Wirth O, Sigurdsson SO. (2013) Reprint of "When workplace safety depends on behavior change: Topics for behavioral safety research" Journal of Safety Research
Lebbon A, Sigurdsson SO, Austin J. (2012) Behavioral Safety in the Food Services Industry: Challenges and Outcomes Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. 32: 44-57
Nielsen D, Sigurdsson SO, Austin J. (2009) Preventing back injuries in hospital settings: the effects of video modeling on safe patient lifting by nurses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 42: 551-61
Wirth O, Sigurdsson SO. (2008) When workplace safety depends on behavior change: topics for behavioral safety research. Journal of Safety Research. 39: 589-98
Sigurdsson SO, Austin J. (2008) Using real-time visual feedback to improve posture at computer workstations. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 41: 365-75
Sigurdsson SO, Austin J. (2006) Institutionalization and response maintenance in organizational behavior management Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. 26: 41-77
Austin J, Sigurdsson SO, Rubin YS. (2006) An examination of the effects of delayed versus immediate prompts on safety belt use Environment and Behavior. 38: 140-149
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