Bruce S. Kapp

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States 
"Bruce Kapp"
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Cain ME, Kapp BS. (2003) Amygdaloid contributions to the conditioned arousal-related responses in the dorsolateral geniculate nucleus Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 985: 511-514
Cain ME, Kapp BS, Puryear CB. (2002) The contribution of the amygdala to conditioned thalamic arousal. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 22: 11026-34
Guarraci FA, Frohardt RJ, Falls WA, et al. (2000) The effects of intra-amygdaloid infusions of a D2 dopamine receptor antagonist on Pavlovian fear conditioning. Behavioral Neuroscience. 114: 647-51
Cain ME, Kapp BS, Puryear CB. (2000) Arousal-related associative response characteristics of dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus neurons during acoustic Pavlovian fear conditioning. Behavioral Neuroscience. 114: 241-53
Guarraci FA, Kapp BS. (1999) An electrophysiological characterization of ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons during differential pavlovian fear conditioning in the awake rabbit. Behavioural Brain Research. 99: 169-79
Guarraci FA, Frohardt RJ, Young SL, et al. (1999) A functional role for dopamine transmission in the amygdala during conditioned fear. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 877: 732-6
Guarraci FA, Frohardt RJ, Kapp BS. (1999) Amygdaloid D1 dopamine receptor involvement in Pavlovian fear conditioning. Brain Research. 827: 28-40
Silvestri AJ, Kapp BS. (1998) Amygdaloid modulation of mesopontine peribrachial neuronal activity: implications for arousal. Behavioral Neuroscience. 112: 571-88
Kapp BS, Silvestri AJ, Guarraci FA. (1998) Vertebrate Models of Learning and Memory Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 289-332
Kapp BS, Supple WF, Whalen PJ. (1994) Effects of electrical stimulation of the amygdaloid central nucleus on neocortical arousal in the rabbit. Behavioral Neuroscience. 108: 81-93
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