Douglas L. Wahlsten

University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States 
behavior genetics, mouse behavior, corpus calossum, neural development
"Douglas Wahlsten"
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Bohlen M, Hayes ER, Bohlen B, et al. (2014) Experimenter effects on behavioral test scores of eight inbred mouse strains under the influence of ethanol. Behavioural Brain Research. 272: 46-54
Wahlsten D. (2013) A contemporary view of genes and behavior: complex systems and interactions. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. 44: 285-306
Wahlsten D. (2012) The hunt for gene effects pertinent to behavioral traits and psychiatric disorders: from mouse to human. Developmental Psychobiology. 54: 475-492
Bohlen MO, Bailoo JD, Jordan RL, et al. (2012) Hippocampal commissure defects in crosses of four inbred mouse strains with absent corpus callosum. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 11: 757-66
Munn E, Bunning M, Prada S, et al. (2011) Reversed light-dark cycle and cage enrichment effects on ethanol-induced deficits in motor coordination assessed in inbred mouse strains with a compact battery of refined tests. Behavioural Brain Research. 224: 259-71
Bishop KM, Kruyer A, Wahlsten D. (2011) Agenesis of the corpus callosum and voluntary wheel running in mice Psychobiology. 24: 187-194
Bailoo JD, Bohlen MO, Wahlsten D. (2010) The precision of video and photocell tracking systems and the elimination of tracking errors with infrared backlighting. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 188: 45-52
Yan RHY, Bunning M, Wahlsten D, et al. (2009) Digit ratio (2Dratio4D) differences between 20 strains of inbred mice Plos One. 4
Bohlen M, Cameron A, Metten P, et al. (2009) Calibration of rotational acceleration for the rotarod test of rodent motor coordination. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 178: 10-4
Crabbe JC, Cameron AJ, Munn E, et al. (2008) Overview of mouse assays of ethanol intoxication. Current Protocols in Neuroscience / Editorial Board, Jacqueline N. Crawley ... [Et Al.]. Unit 9.26
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