Lea Vella, Ph.D.

2014 Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU) University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Clinical Psychology, Public Health
"Lea Vella"
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Elizabeth Twamley grad student 2014 UCSD
 (Cognitive Assessment of the Sheltered Homeless.)
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Maye JE, Van Patten R, Lykins HC, et al. (2022) Memory, fluid reasoning, and functional capacity in adults experiencing homelessness. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-14
Mahmood Z, Vella L, Maye JE, et al. (2021) Rates of Cognitive and Functional Impairments Among Sheltered Adults Experiencing Homelessness. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips202000065
Van Patten R, Vella L, Mahmood Z, et al. (2020) Accuracy of case managers in estimating intelligence quotients and functional status of people experiencing homelessness. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Mahmood Z, Keller AV, Burton CZ, et al. (2019) Modifiable Predictors of Supported Employment Outcomes Among People With Severe Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips201800562
Mahmood Z, Burton CZ, Vella L, et al. (2018) Neuropsychological predictors of performance-based measures of functional capacity and social skills in individuals with severe mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 102: 201-206
Burton CZ, Vella L, Twamley EW. (2018) Prospective memory, level of disability, and return to work in severe mental illness. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-12
Twamley EW, Thomas KR, Burton CZ, et al. (2017) Compensatory cognitive training for people with severe mental illnesses in supported employment: A randomized controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research
Vella L, Patterson TL, Harvey PD, et al. (2017) Exploratory analysis of normative performance on the UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment-Brief. Psychiatry Research. 256: 150-155
Burton CZ, Vella L, Kelsoe JR, et al. (2015) Catechol-O-methyltransferase genotype and response to Compensatory Cognitive Training in outpatients with schizophrenia. Psychiatric Genetics. 25: 131-4
Depp CA, Vella L, Orff HJ, et al. (2015) A quantitative review of cognitive functioning in homeless adults. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 203: 126-31
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