Valerie Whiffen

Psychology University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Clinical Psychology
"Valerie Whiffen"
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Whisman MA, Whiteford N, Whiffen VE. (2010) Couples Therapy for Depression The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Family Psychology. 650-660
Josephson G, Whiffen V. (2007) An integrated model of gay men's depressive symptoms. American Journal of Men's Health. 1: 60-72
Whiffen VE, Foot ML, Thompson JM. (2007) Self-silencing mediates the link between marital conflict and depression Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 24: 993-1006
Whiffen VE, Kerr MA, Kallos-Lilly V. (2005) Maternal depression, adult attachment, and children's emotional distress. Family Process. 44: 93-103
Whiffen VE, Macintosh HB. (2005) Mediators of the link between childhood sexual abuse and emotional distress: a critical review. Trauma, Violence & Abuse. 6: 24-39
Whiffen VE. (2005) The role of partner characteristics in attachment insecurity and depressive symptoms Personal Relationships. 12: 407-423
Coyne JC, Thompson R, Whiffen V. (2004) Is the promissory note of personality as vulnerability to depression in default? Reply to Zuroff, Mongrain, and Santor (2004) Psychological Bulletin. 130: 512-517
Whiffen VE. (2004) Myths and Mates in Childbearing Depression Women and Therapy. 27: 151-163
Simonds VM, Whiffen VE. (2003) Are gender differences in depression explained by gender differences in co-morbid anxiety? Journal of Affective Disorders. 77: 197-202
Whiffen VE, Parker GB, Wilhelm K, et al. (2003) Parental care and personality in melancholic and nonmelancholic depression. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 191: 358-64
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