Katherine Bettencourt

Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Visual perception, attention, short term memory
"Katherine Bettencourt"
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David C. Somers grad student 2004-2010 Boston University
 (Functional MRI and behavioral investigations of capacity limits in human visual attention.)
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Bettencourt KC, Xu Y. (2016) Understanding location- and feature-based processing along the human intraparietal sulcus. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00404.2016
Bettencourt KC, Xu Y. (2015) Decoding the content of visual short-term memory under distraction in occipital and parietal areas. Nature Neuroscience
Bettencourt K, Xu Y. (2015) Understanding the nature of visual short-term memory representation in human parietal cortex. Journal of Vision. 15: 292
Bettencourt K, Xu Y. (2014) Decoding reveals distractor modulation of visual short-term memory contents in occipital but not in parietal cortices Journal of Vision. 14: 899-899
Bettencourt KC, Xu Y. (2013) The role of transverse occipital sulcus in scene perception and its relationship to object individuation in inferior intraparietal sulcus. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25: 1711-22
Bettencourt K, Xu Y. (2013) The impact of distractors on visual short-term memory representation in early visual areas Journal of Vision. 13: 2-2
Pashkam MV, Bettencourt K, Xu Y. (2012) Object representation in human parietal cortex under uncertainty F1000research. 3
Vaziri Pashkam M, Bettencourt K, Xu Y. (2012) Object representaion in human parietal cortex and its functional significance Journal of Vision. 12: 515-515
Bettencourt KC, Michalka SW, Somers DC. (2011) Shared filtering processes link attentional and visual short-term memory capacity limits. Journal of Vision. 11
Bettencourt K, Xu Y. (2011) Retinotopically defined parietal regions and their relationship to parietal areas involved in object individuation and identification Journal of Vision. 11: 245-245
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