Theresa Aiello

New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Social Work, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
"Theresa Aiello"
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Ida Bloodworth-Cruz grad student 2000 NYU
Jane E. Bram grad student 2000 NYU
Nancy M. DeCesare grad student 2001 NYU
Ellen L. Tuchman grad student 2003 NYU
Edwin F. Renaud grad student 2004 NYU
Michele G. Weisman grad student 2004 NYU
Julie Kipp grad student 2005 NYU
Patricia K. Bragdon grad student 2006 NYU
Catherine Baker-Pitts grad student 2008 NYU
Steven M. Gruntfest grad student 2008 NYU
Ellen Jacobs grad student 2008 NYU
M. K. Sarasohn grad student 2008 NYU
Paulette Landesman grad student 2011 NYU
James Whaley grad student 2011 NYU
Madelyn Miller grad student 2012 NYU
Jane M. Politi grad student 2012 NYU
Alicia Sisk grad student 2012 NYU
Judith Slane grad student 2013 NYU
BETA: Related publications


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Aiello T. (2012) Out of Destruction, a Terrible Beauty Is Born Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy. 11: 160-168
Aiello T. (2012) What the Children Said: Children's Narrative Constructions of the Events of 9/11 in Psychotherapy Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy. 11: 32-38
Aiello T. (2011) "Beauty and terror, just keep on going" (rilke) Traumatology. 17: 59-61
Aiello T. (2010) The man plague: disco, the Lucifer myth, and the theology of “It's Raining Men”. Journal of Popular Culture. 43: 926-41
Aiello T. (2010) The soldier's tale: A discussion of "Can anyone here know who i am? Co-constructing meaningful narratives with combat veterans" by Martha Bragin Clinical Social Work Journal. 38: 327-330
Aiello T. (1998) The influence of the psychoanalytic community of emigrès (1930-1950) on clinical social work with children Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 15: 151-166
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