Peter Kramer, PhD

General Psychology University of Padua, Padova, Veneto, Italy 
Visual perception
"Peter Kramer"
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Kramer P, Stoianov I, Umiltà C, et al. (2011) Interactions between perceptual and numerical space. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18: 722-8
Kramer P, Stoianov I, Umiltà C, et al. (2011) Erratum to: Interactions between perceptual and numerical space Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18: 1029-1029
Hsu LC, Kramer P, Yeh SL. (2010) Monocular depth effects on perceptual fading. Vision Research. 50: 1649-55
Hsu LC, Yeh SL, Kramer P. (2004) Linking motion-induced blindness to perceptual filling-in. Vision Research. 44: 2857-66
Kramer P, Rudd M. (1999) Visible persistence and form correspondence in Ternus apparent motion Perception and Psychophysics. 61: 952-962
Kramer P, Yantis S. (1997) Perceptual grouping in space and time: evidence from the Ternus display. Perception & Psychophysics. 59: 87-99
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