Joshua T. Morra, Ph.D.

2010 Albany Medical College of Union University 
Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, General
"Joshua Morra"
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Stanley D. Glick grad student 2010 Albany Medical College of Union University
 (Cannabinoid CB1 receptor modulation of psychomotor activation.)
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Morra JT, Glick SD, Cheer JF. (2012) Cannabinoid receptors mediate methamphetamine induction of high frequency gamma oscillations in the nucleus accumbens. Neuropharmacology. 63: 565-74
Oleson EB, Beckert MV, Morra JT, et al. (2012) Endocannabinoids shape accumbal encoding of cue-motivated behavior via CB1 receptor activation in the ventral tegmentum. Neuron. 73: 360-73
Polston JE, Rubbinaccio HY, Morra JT, et al. (2011) Music and methamphetamine: conditioned cue-induced increases in locomotor activity and dopamine release in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 98: 54-61
Morra JT, Glick SD, Cheer JF. (2010) Neural encoding of psychomotor activation in the nucleus accumbens core, but not the shell, requires cannabinoid receptor signaling. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 30: 5102-7
Morra JT. (2007) The neural substrate of disappointment revealed? The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 27: 10647-8
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