Fred H. Borgen

Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
Personality Psychology
"Fred Borgen"
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Falk NA, Rottinghaus PJ, Casanova TN, et al. (2017) Expanding Women’s Participation in STEM: Insights From Parallel Measures of Self-Efficacy and Interests Journal of Career Assessment. 25: 571-584
Ocumpaugh J, Pedro MOS, Lai H, et al. (2016) Erratum to: Middle School Engagement with Mathematics Software and Later Interest and Self-Efficacy for STEM Careers Journal of Science Education and Technology. 25: 877-887
Ocumpaugh J, San Pedro MO, Lai Hy, et al. (2016) Middle School Engagement with Mathematics Software and Later Interest and Self-Efficacy for STEM Careers Journal of Science Education and Technology. 1-11
Betz NE, Borgen FH. (2010) The CAPA Integrative Online System for College Major Exploration Journal of Career Assessment. 18: 317-327
Betz NE, Borgen FH. (2010) Relationships of the big five personality domains and facets to dimensions of the healthy personality Journal of Career Assessment. 18: 147-160
Larson LM, Wu TF, Bailey DC, et al. (2010) Male and female college students' college majors: The contribution of basic vocational confidence and interests Journal of Career Assessment. 18: 16-33
Turner BM, Betz NE, Edwards MC, et al. (2010) Psychometric examination of an inventory of self-efficacy for the holland vocational themes using item response theory Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 43: 188-198
Larson LM, Wu TF, Bailey DC, et al. (2010) The role of personality in the selection of a major: With and without vocational self-efficacy and interests Journal of Vocational Behavior. 76: 211-222
Betz NE, Borgen FH. (2009) Comparative effectiveness of CAPA and FOCUS online: Career assessment systems with undecided college students Journal of Career Assessment. 17: 351-366
Bailey DC, Larson LM, Borgen FH, et al. (2008) Changing of the guard: Interpretive continuity of the 2005 strong interest inventory Journal of Career Assessment. 16: 135-155
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