Jennifer Freese

University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
"Jennifer Freese"
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David G. Amaral grad student 2005 UC Davis
 (The organization of amygdaloid connections in the macaque monkey.)
Sam Pleasure post-doc 2005- UCSF
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Freese JL, Pino D, Pleasure SJ. (2010) Wnt signaling in development and disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 38: 148-53
Pino D, Freese JL. (2008) Temporal patterns of olfactory bulb interneuron neurogenesis. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 8145-7
Freese JL, Amaral DG. (2006) Synaptic organization of projections from the amygdala to visual cortical areas TE and V1 in the macaque monkey. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 496: 655-67
Freese JL, Amaral DG. (2005) The organization of projections from the amygdala to visual cortical areas TE and V1 in the macaque monkey. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 486: 295-317
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