Yun Ge, Ph.D.

2003 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, United States 
Pharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
"Yun Ge"
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Kim E. Light grad student 2003 UAMS
 (Neonatal ethanol -induced Purkinje cell loss: Possible mechanisms and approaches for detection.)
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Ge Y, Belcher SM, Pierce DR, et al. (2004) Altered expression of Bcl2, Bad and Bax mRNA occurs in the rat cerebellum within hours after ethanol exposure on postnatal day 4 but not on postnatal day 9. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 129: 124-34
Ge Y, Belcher SM, Light KE. (2004) Alterations of cerebellar mRNA specific for BDNF, p75NTR, and TrkB receptor isoforms occur within hours of ethanol administration to 4-day-old rat pups. Brain Research. Developmental Brain Research. 151: 99-109
Ge Y, Belcher SM, Pierce DR, et al. (2004) Detection of Purkinje cell loss following drug exposures to developing rat pups using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis for calbindin-D28k mRNA expression. Toxicology Letters. 150: 325-34
Light KE, Ge Y, Belcher SM. (2001) Early postnatal ethanol exposure selectively decreases BDNF and truncated TrkB-T2 receptor mRNA expression in the rat cerebellum. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 93: 46-55
Light KE, Kane CJ, Pierce DR, et al. (1998) Intragastric intubation: important aspects of the model for administration of ethanol to rat pups during the postnatal period. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 22: 1600-6
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