Volker Nimmrich, Ph.D.

2002 State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn 
Neuroscience Biology
"Volker Nimmrich"
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Henri Tiedge grad student 2002 State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn
 (Expression of dendritic RNAs in rat hippocampus during synaptic activation.)
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Nimmrich V, Maier N, Schmitz D, et al. (2005) Induced sharp wave-ripple complexes in the absence of synaptic inhibition in mouse hippocampal slices. The Journal of Physiology. 563: 663-70
Nimmrich V, Hargreaves EL, Muslimov IA, et al. (2005) Dendritic BC1 RNA: modulation by kindling-induced afterdischarges. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 133: 110-8
Muslimov IA, Nimmrich V, Hernandez AI, et al. (2004) Dendritic transport and localization of protein kinase Mzeta mRNA: implications for molecular memory consolidation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279: 52613-22
Xiang Z, Hrabetova S, Moskowitz SI, et al. (2000) Long-term maintenance of mature hippocampal slices in vitro. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 98: 145-54
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