Agnès Roby-Brami, PhD

INSERM, Rennes, Bretagne, France 
Motor control, apraxia, hemiplegia
"Agnès Roby-Brami"
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Stéphane Jacobs grad student 2000-2005 CNRS
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Dubois O, Roby-Brami A, Parry R, et al. (2023) A guide to inter-joint coordination characterization for discrete movements: a comparative study. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 20: 132
Arcangeli D, Dubois O, Roby-Brami A, et al. (2023) Human Exteroception during Object Handling with an Upper Limb Exoskeleton. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 23
Touillet A, Gouzien A, Badin M, et al. (2022) Kinematic analysis of impairments and compensatory motor behavior during prosthetic grasping in below-elbow amputees. Plos One. 17: e0277917
Roby-Brami A, Jarrassé N, Parry R. (2021) Impairment and Compensation in Dexterous Upper-Limb Function After Stroke. From the Direct Consequences of Pyramidal Tract Lesions to Behavioral Involvement of Both Upper-Limbs in Daily Activities. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 662006
Roby-Brami A, Jarrassé N, Parry R. (2021) Impairment and Compensation in Dexterous Upper-Limb Function After Stroke. From the Direct Consequences of Pyramidal Tract Lesions to Behavioral Involvement of Both Upper-Limbs in Daily Activities. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 662006
Boyer EO, Bevilacqua F, Guigon E, et al. (2020) Modulation of ellipses drawing by sonification. Experimental Brain Research
Roby-Brami A, Lefèvre Colau M, Parry R, et al. (2020) Orientation of the Head and Trunk During Functional Upper Limb Movement Applied Sciences. 10: 2115
Hanneton S, Hoellinger T, Forma V, et al. (2019) Ears on the Hand: Reaching Three-Dimensional Targets With an Audio-Motor Device. Multisensory Research. 1-23
Parry R, Macias Soria S, Pradat-Diehl P, et al. (2019) Effects of Hand Configuration on the Grasping, Holding, and Placement of an Instrumented Object in Patients With Hemiparesis. Frontiers in Neurology. 10: 240
Guigon E, Chafik O, Jarrassé N, et al. (2019) Experimental and theoretical study of velocity fluctuations during slow movements in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology
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