Kathy Pezdek
Affiliations: | The Claremont Graduate University |
Behavioral Psychology, Special Education, Developmental PsychologyGoogle:
"Kathy Pezdek"Mean distance: 8220.46
Sign in to add traineeKimberly A. Finger | grad student | 2002 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Loc Le | grad student | 2002 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Anne R. Schimmelbusch | grad student | 2002 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Tiffany H. Berry | grad student | 2003 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Rebecca M. Eddy | grad student | 2003 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Iris Blandon-Gitlin | grad student | 2005 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Victor A. Gombos | grad student | 2008 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Stacia N. Stolzenberg | grad student | 2012 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Benjamin U. Marsh | grad student | 2014 | The Claremont Graduate University |
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Cormia A, Shapland T, Rasheed A, et al. (2020) Laypeople's beliefs about the effects of common estimator variables on memory. Memory (Hove, England). 1-11 |
Pezdek K, Abed E, Cormia A. (2020) Elevated stress impairs the accuracy of eyewitness memory but not the confidence-accuracy relationship. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied |
Pezdek K, Abed E, Reisberg D. (2020) Marijuana Impairs the Accuracy of Eyewitness Memory and the Confidence–Accuracy Relationship Too Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 9: 60-67 |
Merson B, Pezdek K. (2019) Target-related autobiographical memories affect dietary intake intentions. Memory (Hove, England). 27: 1438-1450 |
Nguyen TB, Abed E, Pezdek K. (2018) Postdictive confidence (but not predictive confidence) predicts eyewitness memory accuracy. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 3: 32 |
Wade KA, Garry M, Pezdek K. (2018) Deconstructing Rich False Memories of Committing Crime: Commentary on Shaw and Porter (2015). Psychological Science. 956797617703667 |
Nguyen TB, Pezdek K. (2017) Memory for disguised same- and cross-race faces: The eyes have it Visual Cognition. 25: 762-769 |
Abed E, Fenn E, Pezdek K. (2017) Photographs Elevate Truth Judgments About Less Well-Known People (But Not Yourself) Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 6: 203-209 |
Nguyen TB, Pezdek K, Wixted JT. (2016) Evidence for a confidence-accuracy relationship in memory for same- and cross-race faces. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1-17 |
Marsh BU, Pezdek K, Ozery DH. (2016) The cross-race effect in face recognition memory by bicultural individuals. Acta Psychologica. 169: 38-44 |