Jonna M. Kwiatkowski, Ph.D.

2002 The University of Maine, Orono, ME, United States 
Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology
"Jonna Kwiatkowski"
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Colin Martindale grad student 2002 University of Maine
 (Individual differences in the neurophysiology of creativity.)
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Vartanian O, Martindale C, Kwiatkowski J. (2007) Creative potential, attention, and speed of information processing Personality and Individual Differences. 43: 1470-1480
Vartanian O, Martindale C, Kwiatkowski J. (2003) Creativity and inductive reasoning: the relationship between divergent thinking and performance on Wasons 246 task. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. a, Human Experimental Psychology. 56: 641-55
Kwiatkowski J, Vartanian O, Martindale C. (1999) Creativity and Speed of Mental Processing Empirical Studies of the Arts. 17: 187-196
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