Suzanne K. Murrmann

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Recreation
"Suzanne Murrmann"
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Wattanakamolchai S, Singal M, Murrmann SK. (2016) Socially Responsible Customers and the Evaluation of Service Quality Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 40: 715-738
Yen CL(, Singal M, Murrmann SK. (2016) Cultural context orientation and recruitment message strategy: Evidence from hospitality students in the United States and Taiwan Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 15: 325-345
Baker M, Murrmann SK, Green C. (2013) Dining in the City: Server Behaviors, Time Preferences, and the Effect of Urbanization in Restaurants Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 16: 113-138
Yen CL(, Cooper CA, Murrmann SK. (2013) Exploring culinary graduates' career decisions and expectations Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 12: 109-125
Kim B(, Lee G, Murrmann SK, et al. (2012) Motivational effects of empowerment on employees' organizational commitment: a mediating role of management trustworthiness. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 53: 10-19
Yen C(, Murrmann SK, Murrmann KF. (2011) The Influence of Context Orientation on Job Seeker Perceptions of Recruitment, Person-Organization Fit, and Job Application Intention in the Hospitality Industry Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism. 10: 315-330
Lee H, Murrmann SK, Murrmann KF, et al. (2010) Organizational Justice as a Mediator of the Relationships Between Leader-Member Exchange and Employees' Turnover Intentions Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 19: 97-114
He P, Murrmann SK, Perdue RR. (2010) An Investigation of the Relationships among Employee Empowerment, Employee Perceived Service Quality, and Employee Job Satisfaction in a U.S. Hospitality Organization Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 13: 36-50
Kim BP, Murrmann SK, Lee G. (2009) Moderating effects of gender and organizational level between role stress and job satisfaction among hotel employees International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28: 612-619
Murphy KS, Murrmann S. (2009) The research design used to develop a high performance management system construct for US restaurant managers International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28: 547-555
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