Stephenie Davies, Ph.D.

2000 University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Stephenie Davies"
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Joan L. Jackson grad student 2000 University of Georgia
 (The perceived impact of male childhood sexual abuse experiences.)
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Niehaus AF, Jackson J, Davies S. (2010) Sexual self-schemas of female child sexual abuse survivors: relationships with risky sexual behavior and sexual assault in adolescence. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 39: 1359-74
Whealin JM, Davies S, Shaffer AE, et al. (2002) Family context and childhood adjustment associated with intrafamilial unwanted sexual attention Journal of Family Violence. 17: 151-165
Davies S, Katz J, Jackson JL. (1999) Sexual desire discrepancies: effects on sexual and relationship satisfaction in heterosexual dating couples. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 28: 553-67
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