Christina J. Ricciuti, Ph.D.

2002 York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Christina Ricciuti"
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James M. Bebko grad student 2002 York University
 (The role of attribution biases, language, and locus of control for social problem solving ability in aggressive children.)
BETA: Related publications


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Bebko JM, McMorris CA, Metcalfe A, et al. (2014) Language proficiency and metacognition as predictors of spontaneous rehearsal in children. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Expã©Rimentale. 68: 46-58
Bebko JM, Demark JL, Osborne PA, et al. (2003) Acquisition and automatization of a complex task: an examination of three-ball cascade juggling. Journal of Motor Behavior. 35: 109-18
Bebko JM, Ricciuti C. (2000) Executive Functioning and Memory Strategy Use in Children with Autism Autism. 4: 299-320
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