Gilles Plourde, MD

Anesthesia Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital 
"Gilles Plourde"
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Plourde G, Arseneau F. (2019) Attenuation of high-frequency (30-200 Hz) thalamocortical EEG rhythms as correlate of anaesthetic action: evidence from dexmedetomidine. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 119: 1150-1160
Plourde G, Reed SJ, Chapman CA. (2016) Attenuation of High-Frequency (50-200 Hz) Thalamocortical Electroencephalographic Rhythms by Isoflurane in Rats Is More Pronounced for the Thalamus than for the Cortex. Anesthesia and Analgesia
Reed SJ, Plourde G. (2015) Correction: Attenuation of High-Frequency (50-200 Hz) Thalamocortical EEG Rhythms by Propofol in Rats Is More Pronounced for the Thalamus than for the Cortex. Plos One. 10: e0140087
Reed SJ, Plourde G. (2015) Attenuation of high-frequency (50-200 Hz) thalamocortical EEG rhythms by propofol in rats is more pronounced for the thalamus than for the cortex. Plos One. 10: e0123287
Verdonck O, Reed SJ, Hall J, et al. (2014) The sensory thalamus and cerebral motor cortex are affected concurrently during induction of anesthesia with propofol: a case series with intracranial electroencephalogram recordings. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia = Journal Canadien D'Anesthã©Sie. 61: 254-62
Reed SJ, Plourde G, Tobin S, et al. (2013) Partial antagonism of propofol anaesthesia by physostigmine in rats is associated with potentiation of fast (80-200 Hz) oscillations in the thalamus. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 110: 646-53
Xie G, Deschamps A, Backman SB, et al. (2011) Critical involvement of the thalamus and precuneus during restoration of consciousness with physostigmine in humans during propofol anaesthesia: a positron emission tomography study. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 106: 548-57
Plourde G, Garcia-Asensi A, Backman S, et al. (2008) Attenuation of the 40-hertz auditory steady state response by propofol involves the cortical and subcortical generators. Anesthesiology. 108: 233-42
Plourde G, Belin P, Chartrand D, et al. (2006) Cortical processing of complex auditory stimuli during alterations of consciousness with the general anesthetic propofol. Anesthesiology. 104: 448-57
Fiset P, Plourde G, Backman SB. (2005) Brain imaging in research on anesthetic mechanisms: studies with propofol. Progress in Brain Research. 150: 245-50
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