Lindsay C. Peters, Ph.D.

2015 Psychology Western New England University 
Behavioral Psychology
"Lindsay Peters"
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Rachel H. Thompson grad student 2015 Western New England University
 (Teaching children with autism to respond to conversation partners' interest.)
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Peters LC, Thompson RH. (2018) How Teaching Perspective Taking to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Affects Social Skills: Findings from Research and Suggestions for Practitioners. Behavior Analysis in Practice. 11: 467-478
Peters LC, Thompson RH. (2015) Teaching children with autism to respond to conversation partners' interest. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 48: 544-62
Bancroft SL, Thompson RH, Peters LC, et al. (2015) Behavioral Variability in the Play of Children With Autism and Their Typically Developing Peers Behavioral Interventions
Peters LC, Thompson RH. (2013) Some indirect effects of positive practice overcorrection. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 46: 613-25
Karsten AM, Andrade M, Cividini-Motta C, et al. (2012) A Review of Behavioral Foundations of Effective Autism Treatment Behavior Analysis in Practice. 5: 47-52
Bruzek JL, Thompson RH, Peters LC. (2009) Resurgence of infant caregiving responses. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 92: 327-43
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