Paula C. Peter, Ph.D.

2007 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration
"Paula Peter"
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David Brinberg grad student 2007 Virginia Tech
 (Emotional reasoning and decision making Understanding and regulating emotions that serve people's goals.)
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Batat W, Peter P. (2020) The healthy and sustainable bugs appetite: factors affecting entomophagy acceptance and adoption in Western food cultures Journal of Consumer Marketing. 37: 291-303
Batat W, Peter PC, Moscato EM, et al. (2019) The experiential pleasure of food: A savoring journey to food well-being Journal of Business Research. 100: 392-399
Mendini M, Peter PC, Gibbert M. (2018) The dual-process model of similarity in cause-related marketing: How taxonomic versus thematic partnerships reduce skepticism and increase purchase willingness Journal of Business Research. 91: 195-204
Batat W, Peter PC, Vicdan H, et al. (2017) Alternative food consumption (AFC): idiocentric and allocentric factors of influence among low socio-economic status (SES) consumers Journal of Marketing Management. 33: 580-601
Batat W, Manna V, Ulusoy E, et al. (2016) New paths in researching “alternative” consumption and well-being in marketing: alternative food consumption / Alternative food consumption: What is “alternative”? / Rethinking “literacy” in the adoption of AFC / Social class dynamics in AFC: Marketing Theory. 16: 1470593116649793
Tang N, Baker A, Peter PC. (2015) Investigating the Disconnect between Financial Knowledge and Behavior: The Role of Parental Influence and Psychological Characteristics in Responsible Financial Behaviors among Young Adults Journal of Consumer Affairs. 49: 376-406
Bublitz MG, Peracchio LA, Andreasen AR, et al. (2013) Promoting positive change: Advancing the food well-being paradigm Journal of Business Research. 66: 1211-1218
Peter PC, Honea H. (2012) Targeting Social Messages with Emotions of Change: The Call for Optimism Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 31: 269-283
Peter PC, Brinberg D. (2012) Learning Emotional Intelligence: An Exploratory Study in the Domain of Health Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 42: 1394-1414
Scammon DL, Keller PA, Albinsson PA, et al. (2011) Transforming consumer health Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 30: 14-22
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