Steven M. Demorest

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Music Education, Music, Cognitive Psychology
"Steven Demorest"
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Demorest S, Nichols B, Pfordresher PQ. (2017) The effect of focused instruction on young children’s singing accuracy Psychology of Music. 46: 488-499
Demorest SM, Morrison SJ, Nguyen VQ, et al. (2016) The influence of contextual cues on cultural bias in music memory Music Perception. 33: 590-600
Demorest SM, Kelley J, Pfordresher PQ. (2016) Singing Ability, Musical Self-Concept, and Future Music Participation Journal of Research in Music Education. 64: 405-420
Loui P, Demorest SM, Pfordresher PQ, et al. (2015) Neurological and developmental approaches to poor pitch perception and production. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1337: 263-71
Demorest SM, Pfordresher PQ. (2015) Singing accuracy development from K-adult: A comparative study Music Perception. 32: 293-302
Morrison SJ, Demorest SM, Campbell PS, et al. (2013) Effect of intensive instruction on elementary students' memory for culturally unfamiliar music Journal of Research in Music Education. 60: 363-374
Demorest SM, Osterhout L. (2012) ERP responses to cross-cultural melodic expectancy violations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1252: 152-7
Altenmüller E, Demorest SM, Fujioka T, et al. (2012) Introduction to The neurosciences and music IV: learning and memory. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1252: 1-16
Demorest SM, Morrison SJ, Stambaugh LA, et al. (2010) An fMRI investigation of the cultural specificity of music memory. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 5: 282-91
Stambaugh LA, Demorest SM. (2010) Effects of Practice Schedule on Wind Instrument Performance: A Preliminary Application of a Motor Learning Principle Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. 28: 20-28
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