Kevin M. Cury, Ph.D

2005-2011 Neuroscience Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2011-2015 Neuroscience Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Kevin Cury"
Mean distance: 13.36 (cluster 6)


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Naoshige Uchida grad student 2006-2011 Harvard
Richard Axel post-doc 2011-2015 Columbia
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Cury KM, Axel R. (2023) Flexible neural control of transition points within the egg-laying behavioral sequence in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience
Cury KM, Prud'homme B, Gompel N. (2019) A short guide to insect oviposition: when, where and how to lay an egg. Journal of Neurogenetics. 1-15
Mathis A, Mamidanna P, Cury KM, et al. (2018) DeepLabCut: markerless pose estimation of user-defined body parts with deep learning. Nature Neuroscience
Cury KM, Uchida N. (2010) Robust odor coding via inhalation-coupled transient activity in the mammalian olfactory bulb. Neuron. 68: 570-85
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