Vincent Fontanier

SBRI Inserm U846 
"Vincent Fontanier"
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Bertrand M, Chabardes S, Fontanier V, et al. (2024) Contribution of the subthalamic nucleus to motor, cognitive and limbic processes: an electrophysiological and stimulation study in monkeys. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 18: 1257579
Goussi-Denjean C, Fontanier V, Stoll FM, et al. (2023) The differential weights of motivational and task performance measures on medial and lateral frontal neural activity. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Fontanier V, Sarazin M, Stoll FM, et al. (2022) Inhibitory control of frontal metastability sets the temporal signature of cognition. Elife. 11
Procyk E, Fontanier V, Sarazin M, et al. (2021) The midcingulate cortex and temporal integration. International Review of Neurobiology. 158: 395-419
Stoll FM, Fontanier V, Procyk E. (2016) Specific frontal neural dynamics contribute to decisions to check. Nature Communications. 7: 11990
Procyk E, Amiez C, Fontanier V, et al. (2016) Frontal neural dynamics during performance monitoring and decisions to explore International Journal of Psychophysiology. 108: 11
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