Ian Devonshire

University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom 
Hemodynamic signals
"Ian Devonshire"
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Devonshire IM, Greenspon CM, Hathway GJ. (2015) Developmental alterations in noxious-evoked EEG activity recorded from rat primary somatosensory cortex. Neuroscience. 305: 343-50
Devonshire IM, Kwok CH, Suvik A, et al. (2015) A quantification of the relationship between neuronal responses in the rat rostral ventromedial medulla and noxious stimulation-evoked withdrawal reflexes. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Devonshire IM, Papadakis NG, Port M, et al. (2012) Neurovascular coupling is brain region-dependent. Neuroimage. 59: 1997-2006
Devonshire IM, Dommett EJ, Grandy TH, et al. (2010) Environmental enrichment differentially modifies specific components of sensory-evoked activity in rat barrel cortex as revealed by simultaneous electrophysiological recordings and optical imaging in vivo. Neuroscience. 170: 662-9
Devonshire IM, Grandy TH, Dommett EJ, et al. (2010) Effects of urethane anaesthesia on sensory processing in the rat barrel cortex revealed by combined optical imaging and electrophysiology. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 32: 786-97
Zheng Y, Pan Y, Harris S, et al. (2010) A dynamic model of neurovascular coupling: implications for blood vessel dilation and constriction. Neuroimage. 52: 1135-47
Lefebvre V, Zheng Y, Martin C, et al. (2009) A dynamic causal model of the coupling between pulse stimulation and neural activity. Neural Computation. 21: 2846-68
Jones M, Devonshire IM, Berwick J, et al. (2008) Altered neurovascular coupling during information-processing states. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 27: 2758-72
Lefebvre VA, Zheng Y, Devonshire IM, et al. (2007) Investigating the coupling between stimulation and neural activity: a dynamic modeling approach. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2007: 1105-8
Devonshire IM, Mayhew JE, Overton PG. (2007) Cocaine preferentially enhances sensory processing in the upper layers of the primary sensory cortex. Neuroscience. 146: 841-51
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