Maarten W A Wijntjes

Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands 
Haptic perception
"Maarten Wijntjes"
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Yu C, Wijntjes M, Eisemann E, et al. (2023) Quantifying the spatial, temporal, angular and spectral structure of effective daylight in perceptually meaningful ways. Optics Express. 31: 8953-8974
Yu C, Wijntjes M, Eisemann E, et al. (2022) Disentangling object color from illuminant color: The role of color shifts. Journal of Vision. 22: 37
Di Cicco F, Zhao Y, Wijntjes MW, et al. (2021) A juicy orange makes for a tastier juice: The neglected role of visual material perception in packaging design Food Quality and Preference. 88: 104086
van Zuijlen MJ, Pont SC, Wijntjes MW. (2020) Conventions and temporal differences in painted faces: A study of posture and color distribution Electronic Imaging. 2020: 267-1-267-8
Van Zuijlen M, Lin H, Bala K, et al. (2020) A Database of Painterly Material Depictions Journal of Vision. 20: 1127
Di Cicco F, Wiersma L, Wijntjes M, et al. (2020) Material Properties and Image Cues for Convincing Grapes: The Know-How of the 17th-Century Pictorial Recipe by Willem Beurs Art and Perception. 8: 337-362
van van Zuijlen M, Upchurch P, Pont S, et al. (2019) Material property space analysis for depicted materials Journal of Vision. 19: 251a
Wijntjes MW, Volcic R. (2019) Online shopping and the visual perception of fabric qualities Journal of Vision. 19: 243c
Di Cicco F, Wijntjes M, Pont S. (2018) Beurs' historical recipe and material perception of grapes in Dutch Golden Age still-lifes Electronic Imaging. 2018: 1-6
van Assen JJ, Wijntjes MW, Pont SC. (2016) Highlight shapes and perception of gloss for real and photographed objects. Journal of Vision. 16: 6
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