Camillia Bouchon

Université Paris Descartes - CNRS 
"Camillia Bouchon"
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Bouchon C, Hochmann JR, Toro JM. (2022) Spanish-learning infants switch from a vowel to a consonant bias during the first year of life. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 221: 105444
Bouchon C, Toro JM. (2019) Is the consonant bias specifically human? Long-Evans rats encode vowels better than consonants in words. Animal Cognition
Havy M, Bouchon C, Nazzi T. (2016) Phonetic processing when learning words: The case of bilingual infants International Journal of Behavioral Development. 40: 41-52
Bouchon C, Floccia C, Fux T, et al. (2015) Call me Alix, not Elix: vowels are more important than consonants in own-name recognition at 5 months. Developmental Science. 18: 587-98
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