Eric J. Simon, Ph.D.

Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology, Psychiatry and Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology  New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology, Psychiatry and Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology
Mean distance: 16.67 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree

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Borsodi A, Bruchas M, Caló G, et al. (2019) Opioid receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database Iuphar/Bps Guide to Pharmacology Cite. 2019
Simon EJ, Onoprishvili I. (2010) The interaction between the mu opioid receptor and filamin A Neurochemical Research. 35: 1859-1866
Koob GF, Simon EJ. (2009) The Neurobiology of Addiction: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going. Journal of Drug Issues. 39: 115-132
Onoprishvili I, Ali S, Andria ML, et al. (2008) Filamin A mutant lacking actin-binding domain restores mu opioid receptor regulation in melanoma cells Neurochemical Research. 33: 2054-2061
Onoprishvili I, Simon EJ. (2007) Chronic morphine treatment up-regulates mu opioid receptor binding in cells lacking filamin A Brain Research. 1177: 9-18
Ancevska-Taneva N, Onoprishvili I, Andria ML, et al. (2006) A member of the heat shock protein 40 family, hlj1, binds to the carboxyl tail of the human mu opioid receptor Brain Research. 1081: 28-33
Onoprishvili I, Andria ML, Kramer HK, et al. (2003) Interaction Between the μ Opioid Receptor and Filamin A Is Involved in Receptor Regulation and Trafficking Molecular Pharmacology. 64: 1092-1100
Kramer HK, Onoprishvili I, Andria ML, et al. (2002) Delta opioid activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade does not require transphosphorylation of receptor tyrosine kinases Bmc Pharmacology [Electronic Resource]. 2: 5
Andria ML, Simon EJ. (2002) Erratum to: Identification of a neurorestrictive suppressor element (NRSE) in the human μ-opioid receptor gene Molecular Brain Research. 105: 161
Andria ML, Simon EJ. (2001) Identification of a neurorestrictive suppressor element (NRSE) in the human μ-opioid receptor gene Molecular Brain Research. 91: 73-80
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