Len E. White

Duke University, Durham, NC 
Visual cortex
"Len White"
Mean distance: 14.16 (cluster 11)


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Dale Purves post-doc 1992-1999 Duke


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David Fitzpatrick collaborator 1998- Duke
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Schottdorf M, Keil W, Coppola D, et al. (2015) Random Wiring, Ganglion Cell Mosaics, and the Functional Architecture of the Visual Cortex. Plos Computational Biology. 11: e1004602
Van Hooser SD, Li Y, Christensson M, et al. (2012) Initial neighborhood biases and the quality of motion stimulation jointly influence the rapid emergence of direction preference in visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 7258-66
Kaschube M, Schnabel M, Löwel S, et al. (2010) Universality in the evolution of orientation columns in the visual cortex. Science (New York, N.Y.). 330: 1113-6
Li Y, Van Hooser SD, Mazurek M, et al. (2008) Experience with moving visual stimuli drives the early development of cortical direction selectivity. Nature. 456: 952-6
White LE, Fitzpatrick D. (2007) Vision and cortical map development. Neuron. 56: 327-38
Basole A, Kreft-Kerekes V, White LE, et al. (2006) Cortical cartography revisited: A frequency perspective on the functional architecture of visual cortex. Progress in Brain Research. 154: 121-34
Li Y, Fitzpatrick D, White LE. (2006) The development of direction selectivity in ferret visual cortex requires early visual experience. Nature Neuroscience. 9: 676-81
Xu X, Bosking WH, White LE, et al. (2005) Functional organization of visual cortex in the prosimian bush baby revealed by optical imaging of intrinsic signals. Journal of Neurophysiology. 94: 2748-62
Coppola DM, White LE. (2004) Visual experience promotes the isotropic representation of orientation preference. Visual Neuroscience. 21: 39-51
Basole A, White LE, Fitzpatrick D. (2003) Mapping multiple features in the population response of visual cortex. Nature. 423: 986-90
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