Justin Marcus

Ozyegin University 
"Justin Marcus"
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Marcus J, Kahraman F, Su S, et al. (2019) Capturing intranational cultural variation in international business research: Microsocietal differences in collectivism across Turkey Journal of World Business. 54: 101020
Marcus J, Ceylan S, Ergin C. (2017) Not So “Traditional” Anymore? Generational Shifts on Schwartz Values in Turkey Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 48: 22022116673909
Marcus J, Sabuncu N. (2016) "Old Oxen Cannot Plow": Stereotype Themes of Older Adults in Turkish Folklore. The Gerontologist. 56: 1007-1022
Marcus J, Fritzsche BA, Le H, et al. (2016) Validation of the work-related age-based stereotypes (WAS) scale Journal of Managerial Psychology. 31: 989-1004
Marcus J, Fritzsche BA. (2016) The Cultural Anchors of Age Discrimination in the Workplace: A Multilevel Framework Work, Aging and Retirement. 2: 217-229
Marcus J, Fritzsche BA. (2015) One size doesn’t fit all: Toward a theory on the intersectional salience of ageism at work Organizational Psychology Review. 5: 168-188
Marcus J, Fritzsche BA. (2014) One too many categories: an experimental test on the effectiveness of a dual-identity recategorization intervention on age-based bias Current Psychology. 33: 578-599
Fritzsche B, Marcus J. (2013) The senior discount: biases against older career changers Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 43: 350-362
Marcus J. (2013) Eradicating Employment Discrimination: Toward a Cultural Values Perspective Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 6: 489-493
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