Laura Schaffner Gray

Psychology The George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States 
"Laura Gray"
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Randall ET, Gray LS, Fletcher AA. (2018) Topical Review: Perfectionism and Pediatric Chronic Pain: Theoretical Underpinnings, Assessment, and Treatment. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 43: 326-330
Barber Garcia BN, Gray LS, Simons LE, et al. (2017) Development of the Parent Responses to School Functioning Questionnaire. The Journal of Pain : Official Journal of the American Pain Society
Logan DE, Gray LS, Iversen CN, et al. (2017) School Self-Concept in Adolescents With Chronic Pain. Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Agoston AM, Gray LS, Logan DE. (2016) Pain in School: Patterns of Pain-Related School Impairment among Adolescents with Primary Pain Conditions, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Pain, and Pain-Free Peers. Children (Basel, Switzerland). 3
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