Elizabeth L. Cohen

West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States 
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"Elizabeth Cohen"
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Cynthia Hoffner grad student (SocTree)
Cynthia Hoffner grad student 2012 Georgia State
 (Exploring subtext processing in narrative persuasion: The role of eudaimonic entertainment use motivation and a supplemental conclusion scene.)
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Cohen EL, West M, Yoshimura K, et al. (2023) Normative Influence of the Stars: The Relative Indirect Effects of Celebrity Exemplars on Vaping Norm Perceptions Through Liking, Parasocial Relationship Strength, and Wishful Identification. Health Communication. 1-11
Cohen EL, Myrick JG, Hoffner CA. (2020) The Effects of Celebrity Silence Breakers: Liking and Parasocial Relationship Strength Interact to Predict the Social Influence of Celebrities’ Sexual Harassment Allegations Mass Communication and Society. 24: 288-313
Wilson KJ, Cohen EL. (2019) Do good causes leave bad impressions? Exploring the impact of photo frames and newsfeed updates on social impressions of facebook users Communication Research Reports. 36: 359-369
Weiss JK, Cohen EL. (2019) Clicking for change: the role of empathy and negative affect on engagement with a charitable social media campaign* Behaviour & Information Technology. 38: 1185-1193
Bowman ND, Knight J, Schlue L, et al. (2019) What if it happened to me? Socially conscious music videos can address campus assault: Narrative engagement and rape myth acceptance Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 8: 454-463
Hoffner CA, Cohen EL. (2018) A comedic entertainment portrayal of obsessive–compulsive disorder: Responses by individuals with anxiety disorders. Stigma and Health. 3: 159-169
Hoffner CA, Cohen EL. (2017) Mental Health-Related Outcomes of Robin Williams' Death: The Role of Parasocial Relations and Media Exposure in Stigma, Help-Seeking, and Outreach. Health Communication. 1-10
Cohen EL, Alward D, Zajicek D, et al. (2017) Ending as Intended: The Educational Effects of an Epilogue to a TV Show Episode about Bipolar Disorder. Health Communication. 1-8
Cohen EL, Seate AA, Anderson SM, et al. (2017) Sport fans and Sci-Fi fanatics: The social stigma of popular media fandom. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 6: 193-207
Hoffner CA, Fujioka Y, Cohen EL, et al. (2017) Perceived media influence, mental illness, and responses to news coverage of a mass shooting. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 6: 159-173
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