Tuomas Virtanen

Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland 
auditory signal processing
"Tuomas Virtanen"
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Magron P, Virtanen T. (2020) Online Spectrogram Inversion for Low-Latency Audio Source Separation Ieee Signal Processing Letters. 27: 306-310
Mesaros A, Diment A, Elizalde B, et al. (2019) Sound Event Detection in the DCASE 2017 Challenge Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 27: 992-1006
Magron P, Virtanen T. (2019) Complex ISNMF: A Phase-Aware Model for Monaural Audio Source Separation Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 27: 20-31
Purwins H, Li B, Virtanen T, et al. (2019) Deep Learning for Audio Signal Processing Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 13: 206-219
Adavanne S, Politis A, Nikunen J, et al. (2019) Sound Event Localization and Detection of Overlapping Sources Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 13: 34-48
Garcia-Molla VM, Juan PS, Virtanen T, et al. (2019) Generalization of the K-SVD algorithm for minimization of β-divergence Digital Signal Processing. 92: 47-53
Sebastián PSJ, Virtanen T, Garcia-Molla VM, et al. (2019) Analysis of an efficient parallel implementation of active-set Newton algorithm The Journal of Supercomputing. 75: 1298-1309
Bramsløw L, Naithani G, Hafez A, et al. (2018) Improving competing voices segregation for hearing impaired listeners using a low-latency deep neural network algorithm. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 144: 172-185
Mahkonen K, Virtanen T, Kämäräinen J. (2018) Cascade of Boolean detector combinations Eurasip Journal On Image and Video Processing. 2018: 61
Naithani G, Kivinummi J, Virtanen T, et al. (2018) Automatic segmentation of infant cry signals using hidden Markov models Eurasip Journal On Audio, Speech, and Music Processing. 2018: 1-14
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