Rensis Likert

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
"Rensis Likert"
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Likert R, Roslow S, Murphy G. (1993) A Simple And Reliable Method Of Scoring The Thurstone Attitude Scales Personnel Psychology. 46: 689-690
Triandis HC, Likert R, Likert JG. (1977) New Ways of Managing Conflict. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 30: 412
Weissenberg P, Likert R, Likert JG. (1977) New Ways of Managing Conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly. 22: 545
Zaleznik A, Likert R. (1968) The Human Organization: Its Management and Value. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 21: 624
Brewer JD, Likert R. (1968) The Human Organization: Its Management and Value. American Sociological Review. 33: 825
Triandis HC, Likert R. (1967) The Human Organization: Its Management and Value. Administrative Science Quarterly. 12: 503
Sherwood F, Likert R, Presthus R, et al. (1963) The View from the outside@@@New Patterns of Management@@@The Organizational Society@@@Modern Organization: A General Theory Public Administration Review. 23: 247
Likert R, Roslow S, Murphy G. (1934) A Simple and Reliable Method of Scoring the Thurstone Attitude Scales Journal of Social Psychology. 5: 228-238
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