Shafi Kuchay

2008 Pharmacology University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
"Shafi Kuchay"
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Kuchay S, Wang H, Marzio A, et al. (2019) GGTase3 is a newly identified geranylgeranyltransferase targeting a ubiquitin ligase. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Kuchay S, Saeed M, Giorgi C, et al. (2018) NS5A Promotes Constitutive Degradation of IP3R3 to Counteract Apoptosis Induced by Hepatitis C Virus. Cell Reports. 25: 833-840.e3
Fehrenbacher N, Tojal da Silva I, Ramirez C, et al. (2017) The G protein-coupled receptor GPR31 promotes membrane association of KRAS. The Journal of Cell Biology
Kuchay S, Giorgi C, Simoneschi D, et al. (2017) PTEN counteracts FBXL2 to promote IP3R3- and Ca(2+)-mediated apoptosis limiting tumour growth. Nature
Kuchay S, Duan S, Schenkein E, et al. (2013) FBXL2- and PTPL1-mediated degradation of p110-free p85β regulatory subunit controls the PI(3)K signalling cascade. Nature Cell Biology. 15: 472-80
Kuchay SM, Wieschhaus AJ, Marinkovic M, et al. (2012) Targeted gene inactivation reveals a functional role of calpain-1 in platelet spreading. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis : Jth. 10: 1120-32
Yamada KH, Kozlowski DA, Seidl SE, et al. (2012) Targeted gene inactivation of calpain-1 suppresses cortical degeneration due to traumatic brain injury and neuronal apoptosis induced by oxidative stress. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287: 13182-93
Duan S, Skaar JR, Kuchay S, et al. (2011) mTOR generates an auto-amplification loop by triggering the βTrCP- and CK1α-dependent degradation of DEPTOR. Molecular Cell. 44: 317-24
Quinn BJ, Welch EJ, Kim AC, et al. (2009) Erythrocyte scaffolding protein p55/MPP1 functions as an essential regulator of neutrophil polarity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 19842-7
Frescas D, Guardavaccaro D, Kuchay SM, et al. (2008) KDM2A represses transcription of centromeric satellite repeats and maintains the heterochromatic state Cell Cycle. 7: 3539-3547
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