Rebecca Peretz-Lange, MS

2015- Psychology Tufts University, Boston 
cognitive development, social cognition
"Rebecca Peretz-Lange"
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Paul Bloom research assistant 2012-2012 Yale
Anna Shusterman research assistant 2010-2013 Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT)
Paul J. Muentener grad student 2015- Tufts


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Marc Lange collaborator (Philosophy Tree)
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Peretz-Lange R, Kibbe MM. (2023) "Shape bias" goes social: Children categorize people by weight rather than race. Developmental Science. e13454
Shusterman A, Peretz-Lange R, Berkowitz T, et al. (2022) The development of early numeracy in deaf and hard of hearing children acquiring spoken language. Child Development
Stowe LM, Peretz-Lange R, Blake PR. (2022) Children Consider Procedures, Outcomes, and Emotions When Judging the Fairness of Inequality. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 815901
Peretz-Lange R, Harvey T, Blake PR. (2022) From "haves" to "have nots": Developmental declines in subjective social status reflect children's growing consideration of what they do not have. Cognition. 223: 105027
Peretz-Lange R, Harvey T, Blake PR. (2022) Socioeconomic status predicts children's moral judgments of novel resource distributions. Developmental Science. e13230
Peretz-Lange R, Muentener P. (2021) Verbally Highlighting Extrinsic Causes of Novel Social Disparities Helps Children View Low-Status Groups as Structurally Disadvantaged Rather Than Personally Inferior. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 716662
Carvalho K, Peretz-Lange R, Muentener P. (2021) Causal Explanations for Weight Influence Children's Social Preferences: Biological-Essentialist Explanations Reduce, and Behavioral Explanations Promote, Preferences for Thin Friends. Child Development
Peretz-Lange R, Muentener P. (2020) Children's Use of Generic Labels, Discreteness, and Stability to Form a Novel Category. Journal of Cognition and Development. 21: 447-475
Peretz-Lange R, Muentener P. (2019) Verbal framing and statistical patterns influence children’s attributions to situational, but not personal, causes for behavior Cognitive Development. 50: 205-221
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