Percy H. Tannenbaum

Communication University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
"Percy Tannenbaum"
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Tannenbaum PH, Greenberg BS. (1968) Mass communications. Annual Review of Psychology. 19: 351-86
Tannenbaum PH. (1967) The Congruity Principle Revisited: Studies in the Reduction, Induction, and Generalization Of Persuasion Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. 3: 271-320
Tannenbaum PH. (1966) Mediated generalization of attitude change via the principle of congruity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 3: 493-9
Tannenbaum PH, Gengel RW. (1966) Generalization of attitude change through congruity principle relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 3: 299-304
Tannenbaum PH, Jacobson HK, Norris EL. (1964) An Experimental Investigation of Typeface Connotations Journalism Quarterly. 41: 65-73
Tannenbaum PH, Greenberg BS, Leitner MA. (1963) Changes in semantic compatibility during the production of a play Speech Monographs. 30: 340-344
Greenberg BS, Tannenbaum PH. (1962) Communicator Performance under Cognitive Stress Journalism &Amp; Mass Communication Quarterly. 39: 169-178
Greenberg BS, Tannenbaum PH. (1961) The Effects of Bylines on Attitude Change Journalism Quarterly. 38: 535-537
Tannenbaum PH, Greenberg BS. (1961) ‘JQ’ References: A Study of Professional Change Journalism Quarterly. 38: 203-207
Tannenbaum PH, Noah JE. (1959) Sportugese: A Study of Sports Page Communication Journalism Quarterly. 36: 163-170
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