Carlos E. Castro

Mechanical Engineering Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
DNA nanotechnology
"Carlos Castro"
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Jeremy E, Artiga E, Elgamal S, et al. (2024) CD37 in acute myeloid leukemia: a novel surface target for drug delivery. Blood Advances
Neuhoff MJ, Wang Y, Vantangoli NJ, et al. (2024) Recycling Materials for Sustainable DNA Origami Manufacturing. Nano Letters. 24: 12080-12087
DeLuca M, Duke D, Ye T, et al. (2024) Mechanism of DNA origami folding elucidated by mesoscopic simulations. Nature Communications. 15: 3015
Teng T, Bernal-Chanchavac J, Stephanopoulos N, et al. (2024) Construction of Reconfigurable and Polymorphic DNA Origami Assemblies with Coiled-Coil Patches and Patterns. Advanced Science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). e2307257
Robbins A, Hildebolt H, Neuhoff M, et al. (2024) Cooperative control of a DNA origami force sensor. Scientific Reports. 14: 4132
Wang Y, Jin X, Castro C. (2023) Accelerating the characterization of dynamic DNA origami devices with deep neural networks. Scientific Reports. 13: 15196
Pfeifer WG, Huang CM, Poirier MG, et al. (2023) Versatile computer-aided design of free-form DNA nanostructures and assemblies. Science Advances. 9: eadi0697
Jergens E, de Araujo Fernandes-Junior S, Cui Y, et al. (2023) DNA-caged nanoparticles electrostatic self-assembly. Nanoscale
Beshay PE, Johson JA, Le JV, et al. (2023) Design, Assembly, and Function of DNA Origami Mechanisms. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2639: 21-49
Wang Y, Sensale S, Pedrozo M, et al. (2023) Steric Communication between Dynamic Components on DNA Nanodevices. Acs Nano
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