David Thura

2003-2007 University Claude Bernard, Lyon 
"David Thura"
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Kaduk K, Henry T, Guitton J, et al. (2023) Atomoxetine and reward size equally improve task engagement and perceptual decisions but differently affect movement execution. Neuropharmacology. 241: 109736
Leroy É, Koun É, Thura D. (2023) Integrated control of non-motor and motor efforts during perceptual decision-making and action execution: a pilot study. Scientific Reports. 13: 9354
Saleri Lunazzi C, Thura D, Reynaud AJ. (2023) Impact of decision and action outcomes on subsequent decision and action behaviours in humans. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Thura D, Cabana JF, Feghaly A, et al. (2022) Integrated neural dynamics of sensorimotor decisions and actions. Plos Biology. 20: e3001861
Derosiere G, Thura D, Cisek P, et al. (2022) Hasty sensorimotor decisions rely on an overlap of broad and selective changes in motor activity. Plos Biology. 20: e3001598
Saleri Lunazzi C, Reynaud AJ, Thura D. (2021) Dissociating the Impact of Movement Time and Energy Costs on Decision-Making and Action Initiation in Humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 715212
Derosiere G, Thura D, Cisek P, et al. (2021) Trading accuracy for speed over the course of a decision. Journal of Neurophysiology
Thura D. (2021) Corrigendum to "Decision urgency invigorates movement in humans" [Behav. Brain Res. 382 (2020) (1-12) 112477]. Behavioural Brain Research. 411: 113397
Reynaud AJ, Saleri Lunazzi C, Thura D. (2020) Humans sacrifice decision-making for action execution when a demanding control of movement is required. Journal of Neurophysiology
Thura D, Cisek P. (2020) Microstimulation of dorsal premotor and primary motor cortex delays the volitional commitment to an action choice. Journal of Neurophysiology
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