Gerd M technau

Institute of genetics Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany 
"Gerd technau"
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Hülsmeier J, Pielage J, Rickert C, et al. (2007) Distinct functions of alpha-Spectrin and beta-Spectrin during axonal pathfinding. Development (Cambridge, England). 134: 713-22
Landgraf M, Sánchez-Soriano N, Technau GM, et al. (2003) Charting the Drosophila neuropile: a strategy for the standardised characterisation of genetically amenable neurites. Developmental Biology. 260: 207-25
Weigmann K, Klapper R, Strasser T, et al. (2003) FlyMove--a new way to look at development of Drosophila. Trends in Genetics : Tig. 19: 310-1
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