Fred Duong

2016-2021 Psychology Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States 
"Fred Duong"
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Hall JA, Schwartz R, Duong F, et al. (2020) What is clinical empathy? Perspectives of community members, university students, cancer patients, and physicians. Patient Education and Counseling
Hall JA, Schwartz R, Duong F. (2020) How do laypeople define empathy? The Journal of Social Psychology. 1-20
Vayness J, Duong F, DeSteno D. (2019) Gratitude increases third-party punishment. Cognition & Emotion. 1-8
DeSteno D, Duong F, Lim D, et al. (2019) The Grateful Don't Cheat: Gratitude as a Fount of Virtue. Psychological Science. 956797619848351
DeSteno D, Lim D, Duong F, et al. (2017) Meditation Inhibits Aggressive Responses to Provocations Mindfulness. 9: 1117-1122
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