Katherine Tschida, Ph.D

Neurobiology Duke University, Durham, NC 
"Katherine Tschida"
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Ziobro P, Woo Y, He Z, et al. (2024) Midbrain neurons important for the production of mouse ultrasonic vocalizations are not required for distress calls. Current Biology : Cb. 34: 1107-1113.e3
Michael V, Goffinet J, Pearson J, et al. (2020) Circuit and synaptic organization of forebrain-to-midbrain pathways that promote and suppress vocalization. Elife. 9
Hamaguchi K, Tschida KA, Yoon I, et al. (2014) Auditory synapses to song premotor neurons are gated off during vocalization in zebra finches. Elife. 3: e01833
Tschida KA, Mooney R. (2012) Deafening drives cell-type-specific changes to dendritic spines in a sensorimotor nucleus important to learned vocalizations. Neuron. 73: 1028-39
Roberts TF, Tschida KA, Klein ME, et al. (2010) Rapid spine stabilization and synaptic enhancement at the onset of behavioural learning. Nature. 463: 948-52
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