Thomas Parmentier

2015- Biomedical Sciences University of Guelph (Canada), Guelph, Ontario, Canada 
"Thomas Parmentier"
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Parmentier T, LaMarre J, Lalonde J. (2023) Evaluation of Neurotoxicity With Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cerebral Organoids. Current Protocols. 3: e744
Parmentier T, James FMK, Hewitson E, et al. (2022) Human cerebral spheroids undergo 4-aminopyridine-induced, activity associated changes in cellular composition and microrna expression. Scientific Reports. 12: 9143
Ukai M, Parmentier T, Cortez MA, et al. (2021) Seizure frequency discrepancy between subjective and objective ictal electroencephalography data in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Tobias IC, Kao MC, Parmentier T, et al. (2020) Targeted expression profiling reveals distinct stages of early canine fibroblast reprogramming are regulated by 2-oxoglutarate hydroxylases. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 11: 528
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