Shinichi Kohsaka

National Institute of Neuroscience, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan 
"Shinichi Kohsaka"
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Kikuchi R, Hamanoue M, Koshimoto M, et al. (2018) Response of the GABAergic System to Axotomy of the Rat Facial Nerve. Neurochemical Research. 43: 324-339
Doolen S, Cook J, Riedl M, et al. (2017) Complement 3a receptor in dorsal horn microglia mediates pronociceptive neuropeptide signaling. Glia
Füger P, Hefendehl JK, Veeraraghavalu K, et al. (2017) Microglia turnover with aging and in an Alzheimer's model via long-term in vivo single-cell imaging. Nature Neuroscience
Nakajima K, Kanamatsu T, Koshimoto M, et al. (2016) Microglia derived from the axotomized adult rat facial nucleus uptake glutamate and metabolize it to glutamine in vitro. Neurochemistry International
Sudo K, Takezawa Y, Kohsaka S, et al. (2015) Involvement of nitric oxide in the induction of interleukin-1 beta in microglia. Brain Research
Nakajima K, Kanamatsu T, Takezawa Y, et al. (2015) Up-regulation of glutamine synthesis in microglia activated with endotoxin. Neuroscience Letters. 591: 99-104
Takezawa Y, Baba O, Kohsaka S, et al. (2015) Accumulation of glycogen in axotomized adult rat facial motoneurons. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 93: 913-21
Solga AC, Pong WW, Walker J, et al. (2015) RNA-sequencing reveals oligodendrocyte and neuronal transcripts in microglia relevant to central nervous system disease. Glia. 63: 531-48
Takezawa Y, Kohsaka S, Nakajima K. (2014) Transient down-regulation and restoration of glycogen synthase levels in axotomized rat facial motoneurons. Brain Research. 1586: 34-45
Masuda T, Nishimoto N, Tomiyama D, et al. (2014) IRF8 is a transcriptional determinant for microglial motility. Purinergic Signalling. 10: 515-21
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