Harrison Walker
Affiliations: | 2006-2008 | Neurology | University of Alabama, Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States |
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Boddu AV, Brinkerhoff S, Bashir AE, et al. (2024) Directional Stimulus-Evoked Pallidal Electrophysiology in Primary Dystonia. Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements (New York, N.Y.). 14: 46 |
Del Bene VA, Martin RC, Brinkerhoff SA, et al. (2024) Differential Cognitive Effects of Unilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease. Annals of Neurology |
Najera RA, Mahavadi AK, Khan AU, et al. (2023) Alternative patterns of deep brain stimulation in neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 17: 1156818 |
Del Bene VA, Martin RC, Brinkerhoff SA, et al. (2023) Differential cognitive effects of unilateral left and right subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences |
Duncan D, Garner R, Brinkerhoff S, et al. (2023) Data Archive for the BRAIN Initiative (DABI). Scientific Data. 10: 83 |
Olson JW, Gonzalez CL, Brinkerhoff S, et al. (2022) Local anatomy, stimulation site, and time alter directional deep brain stimulation impedances. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16: 958703 |
Olson JW, Nakhmani A, Irwin ZT, et al. (2022) Cortical and Subthalamic Nucleus Spectral Changes During Limb Movements in Parkinson's Disease Patients with and Without Dystonia. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society |
Black SD, Del Bene VA, Celka AS, et al. (2022) Nascent visual artistic expression following right hemisphere subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 99: 47-50 |
Niccolai L, Aita SL, Walker HC, et al. (2021) Correlates of deep brain stimulation consensus conference decision to treat primary dystonia. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 207: 106747 |
Awad MZ, Vaden RJ, Irwin ZT, et al. (2021) Subcortical short-term plasticity elicited by deep brain stimulation. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology |