Samuel Recht

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
Perception, attention, metacognition
"Samuel Recht"
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Recht S, Mamassian P, de Gardelle V. (2022) Metacognition tracks sensitivity following involuntary shifts of visual attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Recht S, Jovanovic L, Mamassian P, et al. (2022) Confidence at the limits of human nested cognition. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 2022: niac014
Recht S, de Gardelle V, Mamassian P. (2021) Metacognitive blindness in temporal selection during the deployment of spatial attention. Cognition. 216: 104864
Rahnev D, Desender K, Lee ALF, et al. (2020) The Confidence Database. Nature Human Behaviour
Recht S, Mamassian P, de Gardelle V. (2019) Temporal attention causes systematic biases in visual confidence. Scientific Reports. 9: 11622
Recht S, de Gardelle V, Mamassian P. (2019) Metacognitive estimates of time during spatial orienting of attention Journal of Vision. 19: 214c
Recht S, Mamassian P, de Gardelle V. (2018) Confidence blinks before attention Journal of Vision. 18: 1112
Recht S, Gardelle Vd, Mamassian P. (2017) Exogenous cues and visual confidence Journal of Vision. 17: 670-670
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