Margaret M. Henderson, Ph.D.

2015-2021 Neurosciences Graduate Program University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
 2021-2024 Neuroscience Insitute Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
Vision, Object Perception, Natural Image Statistics, Attention
"Margaret Henderson"
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John Serences grad student 2015-2021 UCSD
Michael J. Tarr post-doc 2021-2024 Carnegie Mellon
Leila Wehbe post-doc 2021-2024 Carnegie Mellon
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Henderson MM, Serences JT, Rungratsameetaweemana N. (2023) Categorization dynamically alters representations in human visual cortex. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Henderson MM, Tarr MJ, Wehbe L. (2023) A texture statistics encoding model reveals hierarchical feature selectivity across human visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Henderson MM, Tarr MJ, Wehbe L. (2023) Low-level tuning biases in higher visual cortex reflect the semantic informativeness of visual features. Journal of Vision. 23: 8
Jain N, Wang A, Henderson MM, et al. (2023) Selectivity for food in human ventral visual cortex. Communications Biology. 6: 175
Jinsi O, Henderson MM, Tarr MJ. (2023) Early experience with low-pass filtered images facilitates visual category learning in a neural network model. Plos One. 18: e0280145
Henderson MM, Rademaker RL, Serences JT. (2022) Flexible utilization of spatial- and motor-based codes for the storage of visuo-spatial information. Elife. 11
Henderson M, Serences JT. (2021) Biased orientation representations can be explained by experience with nonuniform training set statistics. Journal of Vision. 21: 10
Henderson M, Vo V, Chunharas C, et al. (2019) Multivariate analysis of BOLD activation patterns recovers graded depth representations in human visual and parietal cortex. Eneuro
Henderson MM, Serences JT. (2019) Human frontoparietal cortex represents behaviorally-relevant target status based on abstract object features. Journal of Neurophysiology
Henderson MM, Rademaker RL, Serences JT. (2019) Complementary visual and motor-based strategies for encoding information in working memory Journal of Vision. 19: 91
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